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New ESTARL Brochure click here


                Eastern Star Training Awards for Religious Leadership

February is here and the time is approaching for ESTARL Scholarship applications to be submitted.  The deadline for applications to be completed is April 15.  If you know of someone that is aspiring to become a spiritual leader encourage them to apply for an ESTARL award.

They are to be voted on and sponsored by one of Ohio’s O.E.S. chapters.  The applications for the award along with the ESTARL brochure may be printed from this O.E.S. website.

Thank you to each Chapter for your yearly contribution to ESTARL.

Members are welcome to make personal gifts to ESTARL in honor or memory of a friend or loved one.

Checks should be made payable to: Grand Chapter of Ohio OES, Inc.

Memo section of check: ESTARL

DuAnne Farus, Grand Secretary, Box 52, Duncan Falls, OH 43734

For questions or more details please contact Sandy Vaughn, Chairman, 700 Donner Ave SW, North Canton, OH 44720,, or phone 330-414-2479