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Black and white photos history


Photo of Robert Morris Founder of the Order of the Eastern StarDr. Rob Morris, the Poet Laureate of Masonry and a past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky, is acknowledged as the “master builder” of the Order.  A teacher and school administrator, he wrote more than 400 poems and several books which continue to be valued references in today’s Masonic libraries.  He also made it his mission to share the tenets of Masonry with women.

With the help of his wife, Charlotte, Dr. Morris developed the beautiful initiatory degrees of the Order of the Eastern Star in 1850.  The ceremony focuses on selected women of the Bible who demonstrated heroic conduct and high moral values  The five degrees use these principles of charity, truth, and loving kindness–qualities that are as necessary in today’s world as they were in the 1800’s.

While the Order of the Eastern Star has evolved over time, it remains rooted in charitable endeavors and fraternal fellowship and offers its members a wide variety of opportunities for personal growth and community involvement.