The Rotsky Foundation for Mentors welcomes the participation of local corporations and has developed numerous levels at which you, your company, or your entire staff may get involved in our program.

The Rotsky Foundation offers incentives for corporations and foundations that become involved as annual Foundation Sponsors, such as logo placement and acknowledgement in Foundation materials.  Numerous levels of sponsorship exist and acknowledgement is commensurate with each level of giving.  Corporate donations are used to defray operating costs of the Foundation and allow us to welcome new students into the program.  Corporate donations are also added to our scholarship fund so that, as protégé’s graduates from high school, we can offer them true incentives in the form of college scholarship money.  If you would like to receive more information on becoming a corporate sponsor, please contact Gina Rotsky at (216) 556-4793.

Throughout the year, The Foundation hosts four events in which mentors and their protégés are invited to attend including: Day in the Life of a CWRU Student, when protégés shadow a CWRU student for a day & then dinner is served; College Campus Visit, a day bus trip to tour a different college campus each year; Summer Picnic & Olympics, a picnic at the Cleveland Metroparks where protégés & mentors compete against one another in different sporting events.  A monetary gift from your company can help to underwrite an entire event.  A smaller gift can help to defray the cost of transportation, meals, or another expense.  For information on sponsoring one of these Foundation events, please contact our offices.
We encourage local business professionals, like yourself to volunteer your time and become involved as a mentor in our program.  Our need for mentors far outweighs the number of students we have interested in entering the program.  We ask that mentors have a minimum of three contacts with their student protégé each month: one face-to-face meeting and at least two phone conversations.  If you would like further information about volunteering as a mentor, or would like a formal presentation to your entire staff, please contact us at 216-556-4793.

Consider the protégés involved in our program as potential employees the next time your company is looking for interns, part-time or temporary help.  Should an appropriate opportunity arise within your company, please feel free to contact us for referrals.

Mentor n. a wise and trusted counselor.

Protégé n. a person who is aided in his career by an influential person.